For everything you say yes to you are saying no to something else. Novel concept, I know. Yet so many of us don’t realize that by saying yes to debt, we are simultaneously saying no to something that might be more important in the future. Almost every day I meet someone who tells me they are struggling with money because… Read More
3 Things Rap Songs Taught Me About Money
Rap songs have my heart. Rap videos…not so much. (they don’t even make sense, am I right?) One day, driving to work I was listening to – you guessed it- a rap song on the radio. In the middle of throwing gangsta signs, cussing so much my mama would proud, and ballin’ so hard, I had a “woah, rappers have… Read More
How-to get a raise
You’ve worked your a$$ off. You’re at work all the time, you go above and beyond your job descriptions, and you feel like you deserve a raise. Sooo… how do you ask? The video below goes into detail on how-to do this. Remember: PDA P (prepare) D (document) A (ask) The video gives you great detail on how to prepare,… Read More
The Secret to Getting More….(by giving?)
Hey guys, I hope you enjoy today’s video. This is a topic near and dear to me. It’s often un-talked about in personal finance, but plays a big factor in how you are fulfilled and how much wealth you accumulate. After watching this video, you will learn giving can be equally as important as saving and what Harvard researchers have… Read More
Is someone stealing your identity?
Would you even know if someone was stealing your identity? After this post/video you certainly will. Thankfully this has never happened to me. But if someone were to attempt to be the next Whitney Hansen (like the world needs another…) I would catch it. Like a mouse against a cat, that person wouldn’t have a chance. Because I have created a… Read More
Paycheck to paycheck sucks: 3 reasons you are broke
Hi friends! I’m writing this after having a mild heart attack. I experienced my first website crash, and may or may not have almost cried. Seriously, this is a side of life I never imagined myself going through. Thankfully, as you can see, all is well in Whitney website land. This week’s theme has been focused on living paycheck to… Read More
Is college worth it?
College can be a pain in the butt. Sitting through lectures, furiously taking notes, late night study sessions (which I don’t recommend), and the opportunity cost of school instead of bringing home the bacon, are all real concerns. When it comes to going to college, a true analysis needs to take place. Simply going to school for the sake of going… Read More
6 Ways to Earn Money With a Busy Schedule
One of the top things keeping people from following their dreams is lack of money, and one of the top things keeping people from making money is lack of time. I feel like I am always hearing from my 20-something year old peers that there just “isn’t enough time to work full-time and get good grades.” But I disagree! You don’t… Read More
The Surprising Key To Happiness: Minimalist Life
Sometimes, living a happier life is easier than we make it seem.We think we need a big house, nice car, rockin’ bod, six figure job, and all the other excitement the media portrays- but we are wrong. Dead wrong. This week’s theme is all about living a bigger life with less. It’s possible and there is evidence to back this… Read More
4 Money Saving Apps That You Should Have Downloaded Yesterday
“It’s not your salary that makes you rich, but your spending habits.” -Charles A. Jaffe I was reading an article the other day that said the average adult spends 90 minutes a day on their phone. That’s the equivalent of 23 DAYS in a year! As a society, we have adopted technology as an integral part of our daily lives…… Read More