We all know how crazy it gets when the summer time is coming to an end and it’s time to get prepared for the school year to begin. But it can be hectic when you know the supply list needs to be bought and a lot of things are needed.
Tips for saving money on back to school
Wait for the Teacher’s Supply List
It’s important to wait for what the teacher’s will require their students to purchase, since not every teacher will be doing the same things as others. By waiting for this list, you’ll save yourself from buying things that aren’t needed.
Buy Supplies Throughout the Year
There will always be some supplies that will always be a given need to get; such as pencils, pens, and paper. Buying these throughtout the year when they are cheaper in mass quantities will save you a ton of money. It helps you make sure they never run out of the supplies that they use the most through out the school year.
Make Their/Your Lunch
When you decide what your kids eat, you’ll be saving yourself money and keeping your kids healthy. Check your weekly circulars at your local stores to see what is on sale. For example if chocolate milk isn’t for sale one week and orange juice is, go for orange juice. That way they also don’t get tired of getting the same lunch. And if this is lunch for you- buckle down and do some meal prep. It saves you tons of money!
Shop on Tax-Free Days
Look when your state offers a special tax-free period that they think about from back-to-school shoppers need. You will save a bunch on just doing some simple research, don’t pass up on this opportunity.
Wait for the End of the Summer
By doing this you are going to get supplies when their prices are significantly dropped down. This is the best time to get pencils, pens, and notebooks. It may seem stressful to wait at the last minute but it will save you a bunch of money to buy it when the prices lowered or buy throughout the year for the next following year.
Pay in Cash Only
Only buy supplies with cash, forcing you to see how much you are really spending. This will limit yourself from over spending on things you don’t really need and make you stay focused on what you are there for only.
Dollar Stores
They sell the same brands you like at a much cheaper price such as Elmer’s and Crayola! You can find most of your items on the teachers list here and anything left over that you couldn’t find there, find at other cheap stores.
Saving on school supplies is important to make the smart and financially best choices. Every careful decision you make will really pay off when you realize how much you’re saved yourself in money.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of cents, they add up after a long period of time, and you will be glad you took these tips in your hands.
Yes, hold out for that supply list! Not only does that prevent you from buying more than what you need, it helps you to avoid buying the wrong thing and having to deal with that. Save yourself the trouble!