This weekend, I looked around my house and realized that my house reflected exactly how I feel inside… chaotic.
So I decided to rearrange my office and get rid of stuff.
First thing I noticed was my desk was against my window which had my back to the door. I began noticing that I wasn’t using my office as much as I used to and I think part of it was due to the feng shui being off. (It’s a thing, you guys!)
As I was going through my stuff, I found a piece of paper folded up. Curiously, I had to see what it was before tossing it. And neatly written on the sheet were 8 traits of happy people. I loved it so much I knew I had to share it with you.
Hope you enjoy these as much as I did. 🙂
8 Traits of Happy People
1. Deeply enjoy and nurture relationships with family and friends
This is something I’ve struggled with on my own for a while. I have been so busy with growing my business, that I have occasionally taken my relationships for granted and put my friends on the back burner.
2. Be grateful for everything that life offers
Gratitude is everything. I know this inherently, but seem to need a good reminder every few months of so. When I do step back and look at it, life is pretty amazing. The odds of us being born during this time, in this place, are practically zero. I believe everything happens for a reason. So when you think about the divine timing of just being born, there really is a lot to be grateful for.
3. Think positively and optimistically about life events and the future
This is a challenge when you look at all the crappiness in the news and events going on in the world. But one thing that brings me comfort is knowing that the better I do in my own life and the more optimistic I am in my efforts, the more of a positive impact I can have on the world in the future. But if I’m so caught up in the negativity and doomsday mentality, then all I’d want to do is lay in bed and sleep.
4. Commit strongly to life goals
Don’t be wishy-washy with your goals. Commit fully, go all in, and you’ll find yourself accomplishing more that you ever thought possible. Recently, I made it my mission to reach 150,000 women and help them with their financial life. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I am committed to making it happen.
5. Be generous and forgiving of other people
The longer you hold on to the past and what people have done to hurt you, the more you are living in a time that you have no control over. People aren’t perfect. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. It’s okay. But try to be understanding and accepting of people’s faults. Keep in mind, you can forgive someone who has wronged you, but you can love them from a distance.
6. Be self-confident and resilient
Resiliency is one of the best traits we can have. And confidence comes directly from resiliency. We all have the ability to bounce back when times are tough. It’s not always easy. Yet, it’s important to immediately bounce back, get back in that ring, and try again. The more quickly you bounce back after tough times, the stronger you are training yourself to become.
7. Savor life’s pleasures
One of my favorite things to do is drink coffee on my patio in the evenings. I sit there, listen to the birds chirp and watch the sun paint the sky gorgeous pinks and yellows. It’s literally one of my favorite things ever. Something about watching the world wind down is super relaxing. Don’t ya think?
8. Be physically active on a daily basis
I couldn’t agree more! However, this has been one of my biggest areas of struggle lately. I’m trying much harder to take care of myself, by doing some type of physical activity on a daily basis.
With a bit of effort and daily reminders, all of these traits are definitely within reach. Which of these do you want to start working on today? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
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Thank you for putting out some elementary but not condescending information that was attainable for those of us who are obviously intimidated and in the process of learning how to navigate the internet much less start a blog! I look forward to learning from you! Thanks again for sharing your experience and wisdom.