I was recently reminded of the importance of personal interaction, quality time, and making people feel they are worth your time.
Have you ever been so excited to spend time with someone only to find them checking Facebook, Instagram or texting the entire time?
This is the world we live in.
But this does not have to be who we are.
I love people watching. I find it fascinating how many people go on dates, spend time with their families (especially at children’s sporting events), driving, walking, at the gym- you name it- and see them glued to their phones. Once I observed a couple at dinner. The female was clearly excited about being there. She was smiling, making eye contact and leaning in. All the right signs. The male. On his phone the entire time.
Of course, I have been on the flip side of that spectrum too. I have both ignored and been ignored. However, I am learning the value and significant importance of real connections. For business and for personal relationships, there is no substitute for quality time.
I believe this sends a very powerful message to those around us.
By ignoring the company of others, we are saying, “you are not important to me.” Ouch! My friend, Devandy, has no problem calling me out if I’m on my phone and not paying attention to her. I need that sometimes. We all need that sometimes.
We live in a world with over 7 billion people and feel so alone.
Is social media to blame?
I don’t think so, but social media doesn’t help the problem. Being so caught up in how many “likes” we receive, or followers we have- does not translate to our levels of happiness. In fact, more now than ever before are people unhappy.
This affects our financial life as well.
Being entrapped in the game of social currency is dangerous. Women (and men) feel like they need the latest and greatest. The latest fashion trends, the coolest cars, the most extravagant vacations- all for the sake of “100 likes.” It’s an uphill battle that leads to depression, fatigue, and sadness with our lives. We buy things to make us look better, go into debt to chase the next high, while all along- the key to happiness is being in the present moment.
The things that make us most happy are personal connections and new experiences. Appreciating the little things. Laughing so hard you cry. Bringing value to others.
Bring value to others by showing them they are valuable individuals. Those around us deserve our attention. At the end of the day, people are what matters most. Not buying items and showing them off on social media.
People matter.
This short video was a great reminder of the cause and effect of not living in the moment.
Please take the time today to have an in-person conversation. Leave your phone in the car. Give them your undivided attention.
They deserve to be treated better.