Have you ever ran out of gas? Like literally ran totally out and had to push your car?
Yeah, that definitely happened to me sophomore year of high school. Thank God for good friends that helped me push my car at lunch break. I went to the gas pump and counted my change to get $2.00 worth of gas. True story.
Or over-drafted your checking account?
That’s always a fun phone call to the bank. “Umm…I’m an idiot and over drafted. Can you work with me on my fees?”
Or forgot to pay a $15 parking ticket that ended up costing $30? ….yeah me neither. 😉
Ladies and gentlemen, once upon a time, I was livin’ la vida broke.
Here’s what I learned about dat broke life:
Being broke is temporary.
Look, I get it. It feels like being broke will not end. It sucks having your cable shut off, your car run out of gas, over-drafting your account or not having enough money to cover your bills. But being broke is all about your ‘tude dude. You have to have the right attitude to get out of the broke stage. You have to strive to better your life everyday. Challenging your mindsets and facing your limiting beliefs. You have to slay those mo’fo-ing demons. Stop believing that the world is out to push you into loser-ville. We all have crappy things that happen. We all get kicked when we are down. Cliche’ as it may be, what counts is how quickly you get up and start fighting back. Being broke is temporary. Being poor is a state of mind.
Being broke is a choice.
I do believe that being broke is a choice. You choose the life you live. Want to be financially successful? You can do it. Don’t believe you have what it takes to be successful? You are right. The beauty about the world we live in is that we create our life as we go. We decide who we want to be and how we’re going to get there. Trust me, I get that no one in their right mind would willingly choose to be broke. But, it’s not an overnight choice. It’s a compounding, accumulation of small daily decisions that shape our life. So yes, if you are not taking control of your financial day-to-day decisions, you are choosing to be broke.
Being broke is fixable.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you hangin’. You are currently fitting the “la vida broka” mold, now how do you get out of it? A word of advice: stay away from yo broke azz friends. Seriously. You are the average of your five closest friends- including net worth. Be selective about who you spend your time with. Not ready to cut your BFF out of your life? No problem! Take control of your own life by doing the opposite of what poor people do. Poor people use payday loans, finance/lease cars, live pay check to pay check, buy the latest and greatest, overspend on a home, travel at the expense of their credit card, over borrow on student loans….don’t have a budget…don’t have a budget…*cough* don’t have a budget….
Hopefully you are picking up what I’m putting down. If you want to be successful in any area of life, find out what everyone is doing and do the opposite- and live on a damn budget.
Find some trends in what you think poor people are doing, and do the exact opposite.
Game changing.
I know.
Don’t worry. You can always revert to previous ways if going against the grain doesn’t work for you.